Tuesday 30 April 2013

Self-Defense Training


Self-defense education

Our goal is to give you useful information you can use right now to ensure your personal safety and protect your property.

 We’ve included information on
Personal Safety,Home Security,Property Protection, Self-Defense Training.
survival in high-risk professions and introduce you to the facts,
Self-defense techniques and recommended behavior under the threat of violence is systematically taught in self-defense classes. Commercial self-defense education is part of the Martial arts Industry  in the wider sense, and many martial arts instructors also give self-defense classes. While all martial arts training can be argued to have some self-defense applications, self-defense courses are marketed explicitly as being oriented towards effectiveness and optimized towards situations as they occur in the real world. It should not be presumed however that sport based systems are inadequate, as the training methods employed regularly produce well conditioned fighters experienced in full contact fighting. There are a large number of systems taught commercially, many tailored to the needs of specific target audiences (e.g. defense against attempted rape for women). Notable systems taught commercially include:
Physical self-defense is the use of physical force to counter an immediate threat of violence. Such force can be either armed or unarmed. In either case, the chances of success depend on a large number of parameters, related to the severity of the threat on one hand, but also on the mental and physical preparedness of the defender.


Many styles of Martial arts  are practiced for self-defense or include self-defense techniques. Some styles train primarily for self-defense, while other martial or Combat Sport can be effectively applied for self-defense. Some martial arts train how to escape from a gun situation, or how to break away from a punch, while others train how to attack. To provide more practical self-defense, many modern day martial arts schools now use a combination of martial arts styles and techniques, and will often customize self-defense training to suit the participants’ lifestyles, occupations, age groups and gender, and physical and mental capabilities.


Further information: Non -Lethel Weapon and Knight Fight
Firearm, knife, tactical flashlight, tactical pen,pepper spray, stun gun, or a small impact weapon can all be used as defensive weapons.
In some countries, it is legal to use or carry weapons (for example Knives fireams or batons) for purposes of self-defense. In other countries, this may be illegal or may require a license, or some items may be legal to carry without a license, while others, most commonly firearms, are not. Limitations on the use of weapons for personal defense are a source of controversy in some countries, pitting self-defense rights against efforts to combat violent crime via restricting access to common weapons.

A common Ballpoint Pen Knife with a concealed blade (top), and an unsheathed blade (bottom).
Everyday objects, such as Baseball bats or asrosol spray cans in combination with a lighter, can also be used as Improviced Weapons for self-defense, but are not likely to be as effective as purpose built weapons. Some non-lethal weapons as the kubotan have also been built to resemble everyday objects, such as keychains.
Pepper Spray and personal Stunguns are non-lethal self-defense alternatives, which are legal in some countries. Pepper sprays can have a range between 5–23 feet, and act by delivering a spray, foam, gel or liquid containing highly irritating chemicals which causes pain to the eyes, sneezing, and sometimes temporary blindness. Handheld stun guns operate by delivering an incapacitating electric shock, and must actually come in contact with the assailant to be effective, with the exception of Tasers which use gas-propelled barbs connected to the taser by conductive wire to deliver the shock.
Legal in most countries are water-based self-defense sprays that contain dyes and/or marker DNA. If an attacker is sprayed in the face he will be temporarily blinded by the foam. The dye is difficult to wash-off and will stay on the skin for several days. If it is visibly removed it will still light up under UV light or leave ,
Being aware of and avoiding potentially dangerous situations is an emphasis of self-defense. Attackers are typically larger, stronger, and are often armed or have an accomplice. These factors make fighting to defeat the attacker unlikely to succeed. When avoidance is impossible, one often has a better chance at fighting to escape, such methods maybe referred to as ‘break away’ techniques.
Verbal Self defense aka ‘Verbal Judo’  is defined as using one’s words to prevent, de eskalate, or end an attempted assault. It is a way of using words as weapons. This kind of ‘conflict management’ is the use of voice, tone, and body language to calm a potentially violent situation before violence actually ensues. This often involves techniques such as taking a time out, and deflecting the conversation to individuals in the group who are less passionately involved.
  • Author Katy Mattingly defines verbal self-defense as simply saying no to someone or repeatedly refusing a request or telling someone who has violated a boundary what you want, or it could entail a more complicated scenario in which you are called on to refuse to engage verbally with someone manipulative, to set limits, and end the conversation.
  • Sujethe Haden the author of The Gentle Art of Verbal Self-Defense states that verbal self-defense defends against the eight most common types of verbal violence, and redirects and defuses potential verbal confrontations

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